Monday, July 9, 2012


Too much of us good women are being "turned bad" because we are self-inflicting heart break on ourselves, while there is an exception to every rule, nine times out of ten, we know exactly what we are getting into with a man before we get into it. You know that feeling you get in your gut (that space between your umbilicus and your pelvis giving you a sudden urge to either defecate or experience projectile emesis) you should never ignore that feeling. When you’re in the “getting to know each other” phase, he tells you exactly what he wants; “I’m not ready for a relationship right now”  “I’m just chilling right now” “I’m in a relationship, but…” “I’m married, but…” whether  they are telling you the truth or not, is always the hardest thing to decipher, this is why it is imperative that you know your role.

If you are dealing with a man and you are not his girlfriend, but you act like his girl and he acts like your  his girl behind closed doors…understand the only way out of that situation is to stop going behind that door, say something, and if his response doesn’t  correlate to how you feel, you have 2 options…1. stay in your situation THINKING your poompoom will change his mind EVENTUALLY or 2. Put your foot down, tell him what you want, you have been giving him your prize possession for however long, the least he can do is listen, ( should he give you a hard time there…you already know, he shouldn’t be worth your time,) and if he doesn’t want what you want…you’re going to end up  heart broken and bitter or heartbroken and pissed either way your heart broken, cause no matter how tough we are on the exterior, our interior is easily annihilated by the man we gave ourselves to who does not want us in the same way we want them…everything you ever done for him all of a sudden seems futile.

Know your role and play your role, if your just friends…be JUST friends.