Monday, December 2, 2013


In my house, in my home, the one place where I chose to call my safe haven, where I go to peel back the layers of my "center stage" face... In my home... Is where you chose to rob me of my right to say no, rob me of my womenhood... At home, with the same sheets I used to comfort me, you decided to hold my legs open and force your dick in my pussy, I bit you, I screamed for you to didn't get it then? I cried, kicked, punched, I begged you to stop... You didn't get it then? How many ways can someone say NO?  Shattered, broken, hurt, scared, is he gonna kill me after?? Maybe I deserve this, it hurts, I'm numb, maybe if i imagine it's someone else, I can cope, open my eyes and it's still a perfect stranger fucking me...I'm changing. You took my "NO"away from me in all of its forms. My strength, my power, laid there with my body, as I stopped fighting... You. I lost. You got what you came for, not sex, but power. You took mine and gained... Did no one hear me scream? I say I don't remember because I don't but these dreams are clear as day... You forced yourself into my house as I unlocked the door... You punched me in my back, put your hands over my mouth and told me to shut up, and take it. You stink. No soul in your eyes... Locked under your weight.... I lose... Surrounded by the very things that once comforted me, you robbed me of my womanhood. You just took it... No amount of jail time can give it back....
I should have took a different route home... 
I think I noticed him follow me in...
What did I do to make him feel like I wanted him??
I want my power back... "Hypersexual activity is common after" She said. I don't want no one touching me... Can't sleep in this house without seeing what you left behind. Maybe if I smile more, pretend to be normal, maybe it will become real... Just gotta make sure i unlock the door to my house, looking over my shoulder.